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Category Archives for Azure API Management

Azure API Management news at Ignite 2021: Event Grid, GraphQL and WebSockets

Ignite 2021 introduced at least three interesting updates to API Management: support for Event Grid, GraphQ, and WebSockets. I will try to cover the essence of the updates here. API Management and Event


BUILD 2021 NEWS: “Native support for WebSocket APIs in Azure API Management”

Native support for WebSocket APIs (public preview) in Azure API Management. This enables you to manage, protect, observe, and expose your WebSocket API in API Management, alongside REST and SOAP APIs. It


Azure API Management updates – October 2020

Microsoft has just released the latest October update for its Azure API Management service. According to Microsoft, the update includes new features, bug fixes, and changes, along with other improvements. New


Debug API Management policies in real time

Microsoft recently announced that the latest release of the Visual Studio Code extension for API Management introduces the ability to debug policies configured in your Azure API Management services in


How to get a ‘Request Trace’ in Azure API Management

This blog post is a no-nonsense guide to acquire a Request Trace in Azure API Management. A Request Trace is a JSON document that contains valuable information about a request/response sent to API’s


Open API Specification 3 support in Azure API Management is now GA (generally available)

Open API Specification 3 (OAS3) has been around for a while now, and the Azure API Management team has worked on its OAS3 implementation for a good 1,5 years. But now, finally, the OAS3 support is generally


Azure API Management: Authorization Level Based Content in the Developer Portal

When developing API-software in an API-first world, the user experience is important. When developing APIs and leveraging the API ecosystem, you will see that providing a great developer experience and


Azure API Management: Hiding Developer Portal from anonymous users [step-by-step guide]

Azure API Management is Microsoft’s turnkey solution for administrating and publishing APIs to external and internal customers; and for many development teams, Azure API Management is part of the


Touchpoints of a REST API

When developing a REST API we often think of it as an HTTP web service running on some web servers. But that is only the tip of the iceberg; professional API developers know that a successful REST API