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All posts by rasmusg

The API Management Landscape in 2020

Every year Gartner publish their Magic Quadrant covering the landscape of API Management vendors. This year, luckily, is no exception. Gartner has released their “Gartner Magic Quadrant for Full


Debug API Management policies in real time

Microsoft recently announced that the latest release of the Visual Studio Code extension for API Management introduces the ability to debug policies configured in your Azure API Management services in


How to create a PowerShell Azure Function using the Azure Portal – 2020 edition

Microsoft PowerShell is actually a fairly advanced programming language that is used by both developers and administrators, often for doing administrative and automation tasks. Still, you can also write


How to get a ‘Request Trace’ in Azure API Management

This blog post is a no-nonsense guide to acquire a Request Trace in Azure API Management. A Request Trace is a JSON document that contains valuable information about a request/response sent to API’s


VIDEO: Introduktion til Microsoft Azure App Service [Danish]

Introduktion til Microsoft Azure App Service Her er min næste video under initiativet “Sammen on teknologi – hver for sig”. Med denne, og fremtidige, videoer vil jeg dele ud af min viden om den


VIDEO: Introduktion til Microsoft Azure Portalen [Danish]

Introduktion til Microsoft Azure Portalen Her er min første video under initiativet “Sammen on teknologi – hver for sig”. Med denne, og fremtidige, videoer vil jeg dele ud af min viden


VIDEO: Sammen om teknologi – hver for sig [Danish]

Lad os stå sammen om teknologi – hver for sig! Jeg vil gerne opfordre alle der har viden indenfor it og teknologi til at dele deres viden med resten af Danmark. På den måde kommer Danmark, som


Open API Specification 3 support in Azure API Management is now GA (generally available)

Open API Specification 3 (OAS3) has been around for a while now, and the Azure API Management team has worked on its OAS3 implementation for a good 1,5 years. But now, finally, the OAS3 support is generally


Overview of Containers in Azure [video]

In this video, I talk about which services in Azure that support Containers. The video is in Danish, and it includes English subtitles (as well as Danish subtitles). You will find a transcription of


Migrate your legacy web apps to Azure without the Big Bang: 6 vital steps for a smooth migration

Traditionally, migration of software solutions from one platform to another has been tedious and riskful (do I need to mention all the horror stories of migration of apps between different versions of