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All posts by rasmusg

Azure API Management: Authorization Level Based Content in the Developer Portal

When developing API-software in an API-first world, the user experience is important. When developing APIs and leveraging the API ecosystem, you will see that providing a great developer experience and


Azure API Management: Hiding Developer Portal from anonymous users [step-by-step guide]

Azure API Management is Microsoft’s turnkey solution for administrating and publishing APIs to external and internal customers; and for many development teams, Azure API Management is part of the


How much is an Azure professional worth? Take the Microsoft Technology for Business Salary Survey and find out

Ready to share your thoughts on life in the Microsoft technology ecosystem? The fifth annual Nigel Frank Microsoft Technology for Business Salary Survey is now live. Covering Microsoft business technology


General Availability: VNet Service Endpoints for MySQL and PostgreSQL

A few days ago Microsoft announced the general availability of Virtual Network service endpoints for Azure Database for MySQL and PostgreSQL in all regions where the service is available for General Purpose


Azure Web Apps for Containers: List all docker images using PowerShell

Azure Web Apps for Containers lets you deploy containers to an Azure Web App. This way you get the best to two worlds: the flexibility and portability of containers combined with most of the great features


Microsoft announces brand new “Cosmos DB Explorer”

Today Microsoft announced the “Cosmos DB Explorer,” currently in public preview. With “Cosmos DB Explorer” you can work with your Cosmos DB directly in a web app and share query-results


Azure PowerShell: Add port forwarding load balancer to existing VM

In this blog post, I’ll share some Azure PowerShell code that I often use to attach a load balancer to existing Azure VMs (Virtual Machines). The code is both useful when you want to split the load


Azure Container Instances: 3 Azure Portal tricks

A few days ago Microsoft announced the GA (general availability) of Azure Container Instances. Being the only production-ready serverless container solution among the major players is a great achievement. The


Touchpoints of a REST API

When developing a REST API we often think of it as an HTTP web service running on some web servers. But that is only the tip of the iceberg; professional API developers know that a successful REST API


The New Serial Console Access in Azure VMs

Introduction Recently the Azure compute team announced Serial Console Access for Azure Virtual Machines (currently in public preview). The Serial Console Access is available for both Windows and Linux